This page can be used to go into full detail about your services, and explain why you are a reputable source in your field. Tell your story by adding text, images, and a call-to-action button to entice users to contact you for further information.
This page contains the following blocks:
- Advanced Columns
- Column
- Heading
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Advanced Columns (x2)
- Column
- Image
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Column
- Image
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Column
- Image
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Column
- Buttons
- Column
- Advanced Columns
- Column
- Heading
- SP Testimonials Slider
- Column
Block Settings
By default, the blocks have the following settings assigned:
Advanced Columns
Column Count: 1
Column Inner Max Width: 1000px
Text align: center
Heading – H2
(default settings)
Heading – H3
Text color: Color 2
(default settings)
Advanced Columns (x2)
Column Count: 3
Column Gap: 4
Column (x3)
Text align: center
Alignment: center
Heading – H4
Text Color: Color 2
(default settings)
Justify items: center
Background color: Color 2
Advanced Columns
Block Width: Full-width
Column count: 1
Column Inner Max Width: 800px
Padding Top: 80px
Padding Right: 40px
Padding Bottom: 80px
Padding Left: 40px
Background Color: Background color 1
Text align: center
Heading – H2
(default settings)
SP Testimonials Slider
Sort Posts By: Random
Show Featured Images: enabled
Image Border Radius: 50%
Autoplay: enabled
Display Time: 3 seconds
Animation Style: fade
Show Arrows: enabled
Arrows Style: Style 1
Show Dots: enabled
Vertical Align: middle
Sync Padding: enabled
Padding: 0
Arrows Color: Color 2
Arrows Hover Color: Color 3
Dots Color: Color 2
Dots Hover Color: Color 3
Author Name Color: Color 2
See the Theme Colors article for an explanation of the color palette.