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  4. Demo Homepage Blocks Guid...
  5. Portfolio


The “Portfolio” section on the homepage is constructed using blocks. When using Genesis 2.8, this section is installed when using the optional One-Click Theme Setup feature.

Container Block

This section is created with a Genesis Blocks “Container” block. In the settings for the Container block, we set the following options:

  • Width: Full-width
  • Top Padding: 10%
  • Bottom Padding: 10%
  • Inside Container Max Width: 1000px
  • Background Color: “Background Canary” #fffcf5

Content Blocks

Inside the Container block, we added the following blocks:

  1. A Paragraph block for Heading text
  2. A Paragraph block for supporting text
  3. A Columns block to display a row of 3 logos (x2)

The Heading paragraph block has the following settings assigned:

  • Font Size: Huge

The supporting text paragraph block uses default settings.

The Columns blocks have the following settings assigned:

  • Columns: 3

Inside each Column in the Columns block, we added an Image block for each logo.