The “Contact Me” page is built with blocks. When using Genesis 2.8.0 or newer, this page is installed when using the optional One-Click Theme Setup feature.
Container Block
The Welcome section is created with a Genesis Blocks “Container” block. In the settings for the Container block, we set the following options:
- Width: Full-width
- Top Padding: 10%
- Bottom Padding: 10%
- Inside Container Max Width: 1200px
- Background Image: (default image bundled with the Theme)
- Image Opacity: 70
- Background Color: “White” #fff
- Additional CSS Class: welcome

Content Blocks
Inside the Container block, we added two Paragraph blocks:
- A paragraph block containing the large Heading Text
- A paragraph block containing the Supporting Text
For the large Heading Text, the Font Size setting is set to Huge.
The Supporting Text uses default settings.
Container Block
The grey highlighted section is created with a Genesis Blocks “Container” block. In the settings for the Container block, we set the following options:
- Width: Align-center
- Top Padding: 5%
- Bottom Padding: 5%
- Padding Left: 10%
- Padding Right: 10%
- Inside Container Max Width: 1600px
- Background Color: #f4f4f4
Inside the Container block is a heading block (H2) and two paragraph blocks.

Adding a Form
Insert a Gravity Forms block, or the block for your favorite forms plugin. You can also use a Shortcode block to embed the Contact Form of your choice.